
Android studio recyclerview onclicklistener to url
Android studio recyclerview onclicklistener to url

android studio recyclerview onclicklistener to url android studio recyclerview onclicklistener to url

Setting up onClick in a RecyclerView is not as straightforward as setting up onClick on a button, but once you create it yourself it makes a lot more sense. If you are working in Kotlin go over to How to add onClick to RecyclerView list items in Kotlin. If you would like to know how to create a RecyclerView check my previous post. If you want to follow along you can get the starter code here and try to implement it yourself. I am adding the click functionality to a RecyclerView that displays a list of Github repositories. In this article I go over how to make list items respond to clicks. Tags: Android, Android Basics, Github Repository App, RecyclerView, On Click,

android studio recyclerview onclicklistener to url

Avin's Blog Android Basics: RecyclerView - II, adding onClick to list items

Android studio recyclerview onclicklistener to url